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Dr. Christopher Orr, DMSc, PA-C

Senior Vice President of Health Services

Dr. Chris Orr currently serves as Senior Vice President with SCT Operations leading the division of Occupational Medicine. With over 15 years of clinical practice, his commitment to employee health and employer’s corporate health and productivity is demonstrated by a client base that spans several states.  Serving and expert consultant on matters of occupational health, Dr. Orr’s awareness of OSHA medical surveillance compliance and prudent management and consult of work related injuries adds value to the accounts he manages. He excited for the opportunities that develop daily with a growth and trajectory of current clinical operations that that has superseded historical production.  He credits that to an exquisite team of occupational health professionals and a keen acknowledgement of the patient/client experience.

A Stanford-trained clinician, and licensed Physician Assistant, he has practiced in occupational medicine, family medicine, orthopedics, and combat medicine. His military humanitarian experience includes field microbiology and infectious/tropical disease surveillance.  As a Veteran Naval Officer, he deployed with the U.S. Marines in support of the Global War on Terror. As a civilian, he spearheaded operations and clinical oversight of global independent field medical support platforms during Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Resolute Support.

Dr. Orr holds a Doctor of Medical Science (DMSc) degree from the University of Lynchburg as well as a Bachelor of Science degree in Clinical Research Administration from the George Washington University.


Dr. Christopher Orr, DMSc, PA-C
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